Natural skin care routine

Why do we need a skin care routine?

-You may think that your skin is healthy today, but your skin cells shed just about every minute of the day. This means the healthy skin you have today will be shedding tomorrow, so if you dont take good care of it now, you can loose it to dull.

-But if you have an effective skin care routine, that way your skin will stay healthy eveyday. 

I always recommand using natural things or ingridients  for your skin care Routine.

Lets start our routine

These are the ingridients for for our skin care routine 

1. Honey

2. Turmeric

3. Aloe vera 

4. Lemon 

Steps to follow when doing the skin care routine

Step 1.

Gather all the utensils  you will need, e.g spoon, a bowl in which we will make a mixture in and a blender, but if you choose not to use it that is alright. 

Step 2.

-Put a full spoon of turmeric in the mixing bowl

-Wash the lemon and cut it into half, then squiz it in the bowl.

-Put  aloe vera in  the bowl 

-Put  the spoon of honey in the bowl 

-Mix them altogether , you can use a blender but if you choose not to its alright.

-Apply the mixture for 15 to 20 minutes 

-Rinse the substance on the skin 

-Apply a cleanser using a washcloth or a mesh sponge, if you dont have a cleanser you can use any soap of your choice.

-Rinse the soap and dry the skin.

-you  can use any moisturizer of your own. 

-Apply sunscreen.

Then we are done. 

Note: Make sure you do your routine almost the same time of everyday.

Trust me after this your skin will be smooth and glowing.
